ISO 50001-2011

ISO 50001-2011

Using energy efficiently helps organizations save money as well as helping to conserve resources and tackle climate change. ISO 50001 supports organizations in all sectors to use energy more efficiently, through the development of an energy management policy for more efficient use of energy

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The benefits of ISO 50001-2011

  • Fix targets and objectives to meet the policy
  • Use data to better understand and make decisions about energy use Measure the results
  • Review how well the policy works, and continually improve energy management. Reduced / managed energy usage reduces operating costs
  • When evaluating the organizational goals, incorporating new energy efficient technology may prove fruitful
  • By continually improving the energy related processes, more opportunities will be explored
  • It may be possible to reduce green house gas emission when using energy more efficiently
  • By creating structured methods for identifying energy indicators, the overall cost to analyze and report energy usage costs less
  • Through the use of 3rd party auditors, energy usage reporting is deemed more reliable by the market

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