AGA Certifications awarded ISO 22000:2018 & HACCP Certification to one of the popular mushroom farms in the UAE named Beans & Beyond Farm LLC.

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We are happy to announce that we have awarded ISO 22000:2018 & HACCP certification to one of the popular mushroom farms in the UAE named Beans & Beyond Farm LLC 

Beans & Beyond Farm LLC is a social enterprise that aims to repurpose coffee waste to produce gourmet mushrooms.

Beans & Beyond Farm LLC has consistently demonstrated its commitment to food safety and quality, and we are proud to recognize their exceptional achievements in this regard.

ISO 22000:2018 is an internationally recognized standard that sets out the requirements for a food safety management system. It encompasses the entire food chain, from primary production to distribution, ensuring that the highest standards are maintained at every stage. This certification reflects Beans & Beyond Farm LLC's dedication to upholding the highest level of food safety practices and continually improving their process 

AGA Certifications, renowned for its expertise in certifying management systems, has meticulously evaluated Beans & Beyond Farm LLC's operations and confirmed their compliance with the rigorous requirements of ISO 22000:2018 and HACCP.

We extend our warmest congratulations to the entire team at Beans & Beyond Farm LLC for their hard work, dedication, and unwavering commitment to excellence. 

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